Dryobates minor
Very small, almost sparrow-sized, woodpecker. Most likely to be confused with Great Spotted Woodpecker, but vent never red (always in Great Spotted). Back heavily barred, and underparts streaked. No large patches of white on upperparts. Male with red crown, female purely black and white. Bill small and slender. More likely to be seen foraging in branches than most other woodpeckers. Fluttering flight.
Frequently drums in quite long series. Much longer than Great Spotted, and without ritardando. Most common call a series of merlin-like "ke-ke-ke-ke-ke-ke" given at fairly stable pitch, and less hoarse than Merlin. Differs from Wryneck in lacking marked rise and fall in pitch, and being less plaintive.
Xeno-canto: map
Birdlife ecology