Anas crecca
Smallest dabbling duck. Agile, with quick and easy take-off. Male with brown and green head with yellow stripes, grey body with a white horizontal stripe, and a yellow patch by the tail. Female is mostly brown with slim bill with orange base and no cheek stripe (see Garganey). Both sexes with green speculum with broad, wedge-shaped, white front edge, and dark primaries clearly visible in flight. Easy and quick take-off from both water and land, with rapid and changing flight.
Male: characteristic, short, highly resonant and metallic "plytt". A bit similar to Pintail, but higher pitched and lacking accompanying whistling sound. Female: various quacking sounds generally quicker paced, more nasal and noticeably higher pitched than Mallard.
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology