Aythya ferina
Medium sized diving duck. Male with rufous brown head and pale grey body. Female indistinctly coloured in grey and brown, with diffuse head markings. Easiest identified by fairly distinct head profile; long bill continuous with sloping forehead, ending in peaked crown (both sexes). Bulky body and short neck. Both sexes with long, pale grey wing-bars. Juveniles like female, except body warmer brown.
Female: a coarse "ahrrrrrrr-ahrrrrr-ahrrrr" with a vibrating quality. Male courting call a pleasant, drawn out, nasal whistle "tweeeeep", rising in pitch, often followed by a falling "puuuh" (e.g a long disyllabic tweeepuuuuuuh). Also a sharper "ki-ki-ki" or "ki-ki-kiko".
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology