Podiceps cristatus
Unmistakable in summer plumage with black crest, and black and chestnut tippets. Paler coloured (pinkish) bill than other grebes (also in winter). Gives a slender and more elegant impression. Swims with body low and a stretched slender neck, or with head rested on back. Winter; very pale. Pale, pinkish bill. White area above lores. Front of neck white. Shows white lesser- and median coverts in flight together with white wing-bar.
Laughing sequences with nasal grunts, a rolling nasal "treaa" and bill-clattering.
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology
Sounds:Recorded by Hannu Jännes,http://www.xeno-canto.org ,CC license