Buteo lagopus
Variable plumage, but not as varied as Buzzard. Prominent black carpal patches and broad black terminal band on tail in all plumages. Upperparts dark and speckled, underparts pale. Head is paler than back, and base of bill paler still. Conspicuous white base of tail, and upperside of tail contrasts with the dark back. Female with big black belly patch, and one broad terminal band on tail. In males the belly patch this is less prominent, and the tail has 1-2 narrow bands in addition to the terminal one. Only other raptor with white tail and broad terminal band in the area is young Golden Eagles. These can be identified by size, and by showing 6 fingers, not 5 as in Buteo (Buzzards). Soars with slightly more raised wings than Buzzard.
Most typical call a wailing, mewing "peeoooo". Quite similar to Buzzard, but the pitch falls more evenly throughout the whole call.
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology