Cinclus cinclus
Unmistakable in its habitat. Found by waterfalls and fast running streams. A compact and bulky bird with short wings and tail. Plumage black with brownish head (some with brown belly). Most conspicuous feature is the shiny white throat and chest. Juveniles grey instead of black, with dark barring. Constantly bobbing up and down with drooping wings when perched. White eyelid clearly visible when blinking.
Contact call a short, metallic and explosive "zrreet", often betraying its presence perched among boulders or when flying up and down a stream. Song a mid tempo, staccato improvisation on contact call-like sounds. Not unlike a budgerigar. Both sexes sing, the female less melodic and more staccato than the male.
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology