Pinicola enucleator
Large, elongated, long-tailed finch with secretive behaviour. In all plumages: Black wings with white wing-bars and white edges to tertials. Tail black. Body speckled in grey, with orangy/yellowish, or deep red base colour. Flanks, belly and vent grey. Deep and short Bullfinch-like bill. Juveniles dark brown above with less contrasting wing-bars. Shows only faint yellow or brown on throat and chest. Note long tail and thrush-like appearance in flight. Not shy.
Contact call a melodic, plaintive "cliu-wee", with both syllables falling in pitch. Analogoues to Siskin, but much more full-bodied and lower pitched (like a mix of Siskin and Bullfinch). Song a soft, flowing, melodic yodeling in clear, flute-like tones.
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology
Sounds:Recorded by Richard Dunn, ,CC license