Poecile cinctus
Like a Willow Tit with dark brown hood, brown back and warm brown flanks. Fluffy overall look, with very large dark bib. Summer plumage often looks "newly washed" and untidy. Tail slightly longer than in Willow Tit, and flight is less undulating. Not shy.
Voice quite similar to Willow Tit. Song: Often vibrating or rasping notes repeated in Willow Tit-like structure, gradually falling in pitch "trrrrrr trrrrr trrrrr". Call: Nasal Willow Tit-like "chee chee chee" , "ti ti chee". Other sounds: Chirping, bubbling sounds resembling Willow Tit, various other high pitched sounds.
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology