Lanius senator
Adults easily recognized by rufous cap, black back, white scapular patches and white rump. Appears more compact and bigger headed than Red-backed and Lesser Grey Shrike. White spot at base of bill larger in female than in male. Immatures told from Red-backed Shrike by whitish scapulars, greyer upperparts, diffuse patch at base of primaries, pale rump and dark brown tail. Young birds may also be confused with Masked shrike, but note less contrasting primary patch, darker forehead, browner upperparts and wings, pale rump, shorter tail and deeper bill. Subspecies L. s. badius lacks primary patch. More skulking than many shrikes. Likes high viewpoints.
Alarm call a dry, magpie-like "che-che-che-che-che", or a nasal, ascending oriole-like "weea". Territorial song loud and varied. Often repeats phrases and includes mimicry. Alternativ song a more continuous chattering with impressive mimicry similar to Red-backed and Lesser Grey Shrike, and difficult to separate from those.
Xeno-canto: map
Birdlife ecology