Luscinia svecica
Male unmistakable. Blue throat with rufous red or white center, white supercilium and rufous base of outer tail feathers. Female lacking, or having just a partially blue throat. Female and juveniles could be confused with Redstart because of the rufous tail, but note its dark, bold trailing edge and center. An elegant and fairly long-legged chat that often flicks its wings and cocks its tail.
Song: Structure slightly similar to Nightingale, but tone much thinner and less full-bodied. A good impersonator and various imitations are interwoven among metallic, ringing sounds to form a complex, intriguing song. Call: "pju-check". Double syllable starting as a descending whistle, and ending on a short "check".
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology