Calidris ferruginea
Summer plumage: Warm, rufous brown below like Knot, but much smaller. Bill curved and much longer, and appearance more long-legged. Winter and juvenile plumage grey above and pale below. Differs from Dunlin in slightly longer legs and bill, more pronounced supercilium, no black patches on belly (some rufous summer feathers may show when moulting) and more upright stance. Juveniles with buff-pinkish tone to breast, and scaly upperparts. Always distinct in all plumages when flying, due to bright white and crescent-shaped rump-patch.
Flight call a soft, ringing and rolling "krrrrrt, with variations. Lacks the hoarse, nasal quality of similar call by Dunlin.
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology