Neophron percnopterus
Small vulture with characteristic flight profile, and distinct plumage with white body, white coverts and black flight feathers (in adults). Long, wedge-shaped tail, but not longer than wings are broad (as opposed to Lammergeier). Wings square with broad, full hand (slightly pointed in Lammergeier). Small head with thin bill. At long distance plumage of adults slightly similar to White Pelican, White Stork and pale Booted Eagles, but note wedge-shaped tail. Immature birds dark brown with paler coverts. Despite the less distinct plumage, the silhouette is similar to adults. Noticeably more active wing flapping and quicker wing-beats than in the large vultures.
Almost never heard. May emit different grunting sounds and a slightly mallard-like "ga ga ga ga ga ga ga".
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology