Locustella luscinioides
Reedbed-living, dull coloured warbler with fan-shaped tail. Under tail coverts lacking pale fringes or markings. Vague and short supercilium. Differs from other locustella by unstreaked chest, back and under tail coverts. From Reed Warbler and Marsh Warbler by very long and buff under tail coverts, smaller head and pinkish legs.
Song insect-like and high-pitched. A monotonous stream of even clicks similar to the whirring of a sewing machine. Song most similar to Grasshopper Warbler but faster (each click hard to distinguish), and lower pitched with less, ringing quality, due to less prominent high frequencies. At closer range a Robin-like, accelerating ticking is heard, introducing the actual song.
Xeno-canto: map
Birdlife ecology