Locustella fluviatilis
A long-tailed and relatively long-winged Locustella, with olive-brown plumage and pale belly. Conspicuously broad, rounded tail, and substantial vent. Under tail coverts brown with with prominent pale fringes, and almost reaches tail tip. Faintly streaked throat and breast. Rump and tail warmer brown than back. Faint and short supercilium and pale eye-ring. First long primary with pale outer web, and a slight curve. Song-posts often more exposed than Grasshopper Warbler.
Song an insectlike, buzzing like Grasshopper and Savi's Warbler, but easily distinguished from those by it's distinct steam locomotive-like rhythm. About 8 accents per second. Perhaps easier to confuse with certain species of ground crickets or cicadas than it's congeners. Contact call a sharp "tsikk-tsikk", similar to Savi's Warbler.
Xeno-canto: map
Birdlife ecology