Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Large and bulky warbler with long tail, heavy, thrush-like bill and relatively strong facial markings. Supercilium broad and strong and continues behind eye. Lores dark. Primary projection same length as tertials. Flanks warm beige. Crest often raised. Flight heavy and jerky, and birds are also much more detectable by moving reeds when foraging about in vegetation than congeners. In the Middle East be aware of confusion species Clamorous Reed Warbler and Basra Reed Warbler.
Contact call a grating, dry "kirrrat", where each rolling r is discernable. Song similar to Reed Warbler in timbre, but much deeper and slower. Fairly concise motifs typically consisting of two deep mono- or disyllabic notes followed by a few higher tones. I.e: "kerek kerek, trii trii trii". Clamorous Reed Warbler differs in more diffuse motifs.
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Birdlife ecology
Sound recording:Recorded by Edmunds Racinskis