You register for the exam on My Page. When registering, you must indicate which exams you are registering for, as well as personal information. After registration, you will receive an email stating that your registration has been received.
Please register an email address that you check often. There is no point in registering your student email if you never read it!
Applications can take up to 21 days to process in some periods. When you are accepted as a student, you will receive all necessary information at the email address you register when registering.
1. may for spring semester
1. november for autumn semester
You register for all subjects on “My page”. When registering, you must state which subjects you are registering for and personal information. After registration, you will receive an e-mail stating that your registration has been received. Please register with an email address you check often.
In the application, you submit the necessary documentation. There are different admission requirements depending on which country you have an educational background from. When you are submitting your application to the study programs at Nord University, it is your responsibility that the documentation you upload is correct and valid.
The Admissions Office at Nord University always verifies uploaded diplomas and transcripts with the issuing school/institution. If we are unable to verify your qualifications, you will not be offered admission. We do not accept electronic certificates or transcripts. All documentation uploaded to your application must be authentic in the form of a scan or a picture of the original document. Scans of your officially issued original transcripts and diplomas for your secondary and university/college education must be uploaded. If there is any information at the back of the pages, scans of both pages must be uploaded. It is very important that the scans are readable and that the whole pages is visible, which means that all corners of the documents need to be visible. If your original documents are composed in colour, the copies must also be composed in colour.
If your documents are composed in another language than English, Norwegian, Swedish or Danish, you must provide a translation. The original document has to be uploaded with the translation. The translation has to be carried out by a government-authorized or otherwize accredited translator. Some countries have special requirements regarding translations. Please check the admission requirements for your country here: and here: and-databases/higher-education-entrance-qualification-gsu Select your country in the list to see which documentation requirements apply to you.
All foreign students must also document their knowledge of English. The reason for this is that the exam regulations at Nord University are only available in Norwegian and English. All students undertake to read the exam regulations when taking an exam. Some will automatically meet the English requirement through their primary school education, while others have to take additional English tests. Please check what is required for your country here: Qualification and here Send your documentation to or upload them in your application on MyPage.
Your application will be processed and you will be notified when it has been approved. It can take several weeks for applications to be processed. When you are accepted as a student, you will receive a welcome email with the necessary information. If you do not hear anything within a reasonable time, it is likely that something is missing from your application. Please check that you have submitted the correct documentation. You will not be notified if you have submitted insufficient documentation.
Payment of semester fees: Students with citizenship outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland must pay tuition fees to study in Norway, unless they qualify for an exception. Read more about tuition fees here: and exemptions from the tuition fees here: /tuition-fees/exemptions-from-tuition-fees. The tuiton fees are currently under evaluation, and further information on this will be published very soon. Stay tuned.
Note that there sometimes will be longer processing time due to many applicants, especially at the start of each semester. All applications are processed in the semester you have applied for. This means that if you applied after the registration deadline in the current semester, your application will be processed at the start of the next semester. Access to complete the work requirement (which will give access to take the exam) is given by email. NB: Remember to check the spam filter if you do not receive an email! You can always check the status of your exams on “My page”